How Do I Find the Best Hand Surgeons in My Area?

hand surgeons in my area

Finding the best hand surgeons in your area is urgent if you’re dealing with a hand injury or chronic hand pain. Most patients find hand surgeons through referrals, but what if nobody you know has references on hand? You don’t want to entrust just any hand surgeon to operate on one of the most delicate and complex parts of your body.

You’ve likely tried Googling “hand surgeons in my area,” right? That probably brought up several hundred results you now have to sift through while dealing with hand pain. So, stop Googling and scroll through this guide!

We’ll walk you through everything you need to know to find the best hand surgeons in your area, including exploring how to identify top-notch hand surgeons with the experience and credentials to meet your needs.

Hand Surgeons in My Area: Where to Start

Are you ready to learn how to navigate the sea of doctors available in your area? Here are some tips to help you find the best hand surgeons in your area.

Check Your Insurance Coverage

When choosing a surgeon, your first reference point should be your insurance provider. Insurance companies often have a list of approved doctors and facilities, including hand surgeons. This list is typically available online or in a printed directory provided by your insurance provider.

By checking your insurance coverage first, you can narrow your search to doctors covered under your plan. This will help you avoid any surprise bills for out-of-network procedures.

Ask for Referrals

If you’re reading through this guide, you’ve likely already completed this step. You’ve asked and Googled and don’t know where else to turn. In this case, we’d suggest broadening your search and asking for referrals on other platforms, like Facebook, LinkedIn, or other social media websites.

If you know anyone who knows anyone who has had hand surgery, get in touch with them and ask for a referral. Word-of-mouth recommendations can be incredibly valuable, as they come from people you know and trust. Plus, you can ask specific questions about the surgeon’s bedside manner, expertise, and success rate.

If you don’t know anyone who has had a hand surgery, ask your primary care physician or another medical professional for a referral. They may also be able to provide you with additional information about the surgeon’s qualifications and experience.

Look Up Hand Surgery Centers

If you’re having trouble finding individual hand surgeons in your area, try looking up hand surgery centers instead. These centers specialize in hand surgery and often have multiple surgeons on staff.

Plus, because they’re focused on hand surgery, you can feel more confident that the doctors there have the expertise to address your issues. Just do a Google search for “hand surgery centers in my area” to get started.

Read Online Reviews

In addition to asking for referrals, it’s always a good idea to read online reviews of hand surgeons in your area. Websites such as Healthgrades, ZocDoc, and Vitals allow patients to leave feedback on their experiences with doctors.

When reading reviews, remember that some negative reviews may be left by patients who had unrealistic expectations or didn’t follow post-surgery instructions. However, if you see multiple negative reviews that mention the same issue, it may be worth considering a different surgeon.

Check Qualifications and Specialties

When researching hand surgeons, check their qualifications and specialties. Hand surgery is a specialized field, and you’ll want to ensure that your surgeon has the appropriate training and experience.

Look for a board-certified surgeon who has completed a hand surgery fellowship. You can also check if they’re a member of the American Society for Surgery of the Hand (ASSH), a professional organization for hand surgeons. Use this helpful link to browse their directory.

Another important factor to consider is the surgeon’s specialties. Some hand surgeons may specialize in different types of surgery, like nerve repair or joint replacement. If you need a specific procedure, look for a surgeon with experience in that area.

Consider Location and Availability

When choosing a hand surgeon, location and availability are important factors. You’ll want to choose a surgeon located conveniently for you, whether close to your home or your workplace.

You should also consider the surgeon’s availability and wait times. If you need surgery urgently to solve a chronic issue, you’ll want to choose a surgeon who can schedule your procedure within a reasonable timeframe.

Other options may be worth considering if the surgeon has a long waitlist. What if they’re the best hand surgeon in town? In that case, it’s worth speaking with them or your primary care provider to assess your surgery and see how long it’s worth it to wait.

Schedule a Consultation

Once you’ve narrowed down your list of potential hand surgeons in your area, it’s time to schedule a consultation. During this appointment, you’ll be able to discuss your symptoms and concerns with the surgeon and better understand whether they’re the right fit for you.

Plus, you’ll be able to evaluate their communication style and bedside manner. Don’t be afraid to ask questions and take notes! You want to leave the initial consultation feeling confident in the surgeon’s skills and with a deep understanding of your surgery.

Tips for Choosing a Surgeon

When searching for a hand surgeon in your area, the goal is to find someone experienced, skilled, and trustworthy. Your hand surgeon should be someone you can rely on to help you achieve the best possible outcome for your surgical procedure.

That’s what makes the initial consultation so important.

This meeting is a chance to get to know the surgeon, learn about their experience and techniques, and ask important questions about the surgery, risks, and recovery process. Here are some tips for making the most of your consultation and finding the best hand surgeon for your needs.

Check State Credentials

The first step in finding a reputable hand surgeon is to check their state credentials. All surgeons must be licensed to practice in their state, and their license can be verified through the state medical board.

You can also check their credentials on the American Board of Medical Specialties website, which lists all board-certified surgeons nationwide. You can use this link to verify a certification.

Check Surgical Certification

A certified hand surgeon has completed an additional year of specialized training in hand surgery and has passed a rigorous certification exam. This certification ensures that the surgeon has the knowledge and skills to perform complex hand surgeries. You can check a surgeon’s certification with the American Board of Surgery.

Ask About Similar Surgeries

Before committing to a surgeon, asking about their experience with similar surgeries is important. For example, if you need carpal tunnel surgery, you want to find a surgeon who has performed this procedure many times. Ask about their success rates, complication rates, and any alternative techniques they may use.

Ask About the Process

During the initial consultation, ask about the surgery process from start to finish. This includes what type of anesthesia will be used, how long the surgery will take, and what you can expect from the recovery process. These details are important to ensure you have a realistic understanding of what to expect before, during, and after the surgery.

Inquire About Surgical Risks

All surgeries come with risks, and your surgeon must inform you of those before the procedure. During the consultation, ask about the specific risks associated with your surgery and any potential complications. This will help you weigh the risks and benefits of the procedure before making a decision.

Talk About Recovery Times

Finally, it’s important to talk about recovery times with your surgeon. Depending on the surgery, recovery can take several weeks to several months. Your surgeon can give you an idea of what to expect during the recovery process, including any physical therapy or limitations you may have.

Questions About Different Types of Surgery

Are you struggling with a very specific condition? During your consultation, you’ll also want to ask the right questions about whatever’s bothering you, as their answers will help you gauge their experience in the area. Here are some tips on what to ask a potential surgeon, depending on your unique condition.

Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

Carpal tunnel syndrome commonly causes numbness, tingling, and pain in the hand and arm. If you’re experiencing these symptoms, you may need surgery to relieve the pressure on your median nerve.

During your consultation, you can ask your surgeon about their experience with carpal tunnel surgery and what approach they recommend for your specific case. It’s also important to discuss the risks and benefits of surgery and any alternative treatments that may be available (like our no-stitch surgery, for example).


Tendonitis occurs when tendons become inflamed and irritated. This can cause pain, swelling, and stiffness in the affected area. Depending on the severity of your tendonitis, surgery may be necessary to repair the damaged tissue.

During your consultation, you can ask your surgeon about their experience with tendonitis surgery and what type of procedure they recommend for your case. You should also discuss the recovery process and potential complications, which often include the repaired tendon sticking to nearby tissue.


Fractures can occur anywhere in the hand or wrist, ranging from minor cracks to complete breaks. If you’ve recently suffered a hand or wrist fracture, you may need surgery to realign the bones and promote proper healing.

However, surgery for fractures isn’t always necessary (or even the best course of action). Ask the hand surgeon what they think after viewing your x-rays. Explore the approach they recommend for your specific case based on what they see.

Sports Injuries

Sports injuries are a common cause of hand and wrist injuries, ranging from minor sprains to torn tendons that take months to heal.

Most often, we see sports injuries in the form of runner’s knee, tennis elbow, and sprains. In most cases, these injuries aren’t severe enough to warrant surgery. However, it’s not uncommon to see torn Achilles tendons, rotator cuffs, or even hand-related issues like broken bones.

If the injury is severe, you may need surgery to restore normal function long-term. Working with a talented surgeon for severe injuries is important, as the wrong procedure can lead to longer recovery times or reduced function.

When speaking to the surgeon, ask about their experience with your injury. It’s okay to ask for results from other surgeries for the same type of sports injury. You should also discuss the expected recovery time and any potential complications.

Trigger Finger

Trigger finger is a condition that occurs when a finger becomes stuck in a bent position, making it difficult to straighten. If you’re experiencing symptoms of trigger finger, surgery is the best way to release the affected tendon.

During your consultation, you can ask your surgeon about their experience with trigger finger surgery and what approach they would recommend or if there’s an alternative solution. Some cases might not require surgery. Instead, you can treat them with a splint and physical therapy.

Final Thoughts

Why does all of this matter? Can’t you just Google “hand surgeons in my area” and contact the first one that comes up? Sure, but asking the right questions during your initial consultation with a potential hand surgeon ensures you receive the best care for your unique condition.

The questions and tips above offer a guide to help you prepare and start the conversation with your surgeon. Always remember to follow their instructions carefully, ask any follow-up questions you have, and attend all your follow-up appointments to ensure a safe and speedy recovery.

Houston Hand Surgeons

If you’re looking for the “best hand surgeons in my area” and live in the Houston metroplex, we can help. Our team of experts, highly trained in the latest surgical techniques, will diagnose and treat a range of hand, wrist, finger, elbow, and thumb issues.

Call us at (713) 686-7166 to schedule a consultation at an office near you. Or, book your consultation online now! We look forward to treating you at Hand Surgery Specialists of Texas.

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The Hand Surgery Specialists of Texas offers diagnosis and treatment for hand, wrist, and elbow problems in Houston, using the most advanced and minimally invasive medical techniques. Our orthopedic hand specialists and hand and finger surgeons are waiting to provide you with excellent care at one of our hand care centers in River Oaks, Webster, North Houston, Katy/Sugarland, or Baytown

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