Numbness in Hands: Common Causes and Treatment Options

Numbness in hands

Have you ever felt a sudden tingling or numbness in your hands and dismissed it? While it might be tempting to ignore these sensations, they could be a signal from your body that something isn’t right.

Numbness in hands can vary from a mild, fleeting feeling to a symptom of a more serious condition. Either way, it’s crucial to understand the underlying causes and possible treatments.

In this article, we’ll delve into the common and not-so-common reasons your hands may go numb.  So, if you’ve experienced numbness or hand pain, read on to equip yourself with the knowledge you need to take action.

When Your Hands Hurt: A Sign You Shouldn’t Overlook

Feeling pain in your hands can be alarming, and for good reason. Pain is often the body’s way of alerting you to an issue that needs attention. It might be as simple as having held your phone or a book for too long, but it could also be a sign of something more concerning like a hand injury or underlying condition.

If your hands hurt regularly or the pain is intense, don’t sweep it under the rug. This is especially important if the pain is accompanied by other symptoms like:

  • Numbness
  • Tingling
  • Weakness

Ignoring these warning signs can lead to more serious issues that may require extensive treatment later on.

Your Day-to-Day Life: Common Causes of Hand Numbness

Most of us go about our daily routines without giving much thought to our hands. But what happens when those routines are interrupted by hand numbness? Believe it or not, our everyday activities could be the culprits.

If your desk, chair, or keyboard are not properly adjusted, it can put strain on your hands and wrists, leading to numbness or pain.

Similarly, holding your phone for long periods can cause what some people call “smartphone thumb,” a form of hand pain and numbness. Another one is carrying heavy bags or lifting weights improperly. It can strain your hands and wrists, making them go numb.

And then finally, we have your sleeping position. Ever wake up with a “dead hand”? Your sleeping position might be cutting off blood circulation.

Now, not all numbness is caused by day-to-day activities. Sometimes it’s due to underlying health conditions or even sports hand injuries. If simple lifestyle adjustments don’t relieve the numbness, it might be time to dig deeper.

How Sports Can Play a Role: Sports Hand Injuries

Engaging in sports is a fantastic way to stay fit and social, but it can sometimes come with the downside of hand injuries. Whether you’re a professional athlete or someone who enjoys weekend games, sports hand injuries can occur across a variety of activities, leading to symptoms like hand pain and numbness.

Football, for example, has high-speed tackles and catches. As a result, hand and finger fractures are not uncommon.

Another sport is basketball. Players often suffer from hand injuries due to falls, collisions, or from aggressively handling the ball.

It should come to no surprise that baseball and softball also has a high chance of injury. Fast pitches and hard swings can lead to fractures, especially if the bat or ball hits the hand in an awkward position.

And finally, we have martial arts and boxing. It goes without saying that punching and blocking can stress the bones in your hand, making fractures a common issue. Even martial arts that focus on grappling, like Jiu-Jitsu, have a high risk in hand injuries.

Why it Matters:

If you’re experiencing persistent hand numbness or pain after sports activities, don’t dismiss it. These could be warning signs that require a more in-depth look, possibly even a consultation with a hand surgeon.

Here are some activities that could increase the risk of sports hand injuries:

  • The force from hitting a ball
  • Colliding with another player
  • Falling and breaking the fall with your hand
  • Repeated motion
    • Swinging a tennis racket
    • Throwing a baseball
  • Using outdated or ill-fitting gear

The More Serious Side: Wrist Fracture & Other Medical Conditions

While everyday activities and sports can contribute to hand numbness and pain, sometimes the underlying issues are more serious.

One such condition to consider is a wrist fracture. A wrist fracture isn’t just painful; it can also result in prolonged numbness and weakness in the hand.

Here are some signs that you might have fractured your wrist:

  • Immediate and severe pain
  • Deformed wrist
  • Difficulty in movement

Apart from fractures, there are other medical conditions that can cause numbness in hands.

For example, there is Carpal Tunnel Syndrome. This is caused by pressure on the median nerve in your wrist and is common in people who type or use a mouse frequently.

Another underlying condition could be diabetes. Diabetes is the condition where your body struggles to turn your food intake into energy. High sugar levels can damage nerves, leading to numbness.

A more severe condition where the immune system attacks the nerves is MS. Multiple Sclerosis has symptoms that include numbness. Check with your doctor if you suspect you might have MS.

If you experience persistent numbness in your hands, coupled with symptoms like severe pain, it’s crucial to consult a healthcare professional. They can check for proper diagnosis and treatment, which may include a visit to a hand surgeon.

Expert Help: When to See a Hand Surgeon

If you’ve tried home remedies, made lifestyle changes, or even gone through physical therapy and your hand numbness or pain still persists, it may be time to seek specialized medical help. A hand surgeon is an expert in diagnosing and treating various conditions affecting the hand, wrist, and forearm.

Consulting a hand surgeon doesn’t always mean you’ll need surgery. In many cases, they can provide non-surgical treatments or more accurately diagnose your condition to recommend the best course of action.

Let’s take a look at some situations when you should consult a professional.

Persistent Symptoms

Have you tried various treatments? Is your hand pain or numbness still there after weeks? If so, it’s time for an expert look.

Severe Injuries

Wrist fractures are serious. They often need immediate surgery. This helps repair bones and get your hand back to normal.

Complicated Cases

Some issues are complex and can be a sign of underlying conditions. These conditions need expert knowledge for the right diagnosis and treatment.

It could be as simple as pinched nerve, or something more serious.

Failed Previous Treatments

Have other treatments not worked? Surgery might be your best option for relief.

When It’s a Hand Emergency

Severe pain is a red flag. So are deformity and not being able to move your hand. These signs mean you need immediate medical help.

A hand surgeon might be the right specialist to see.

First Aid & Self-Care: Quick Fixes for Mild Cases

If your hands hurt but it’s not an emergency, there are steps you can take at home. These quick fixes can often provide relief and are good to try before consulting a doctor.

Here’s what you can do:

Ice It Down

Cold packs can ease swelling and numbness. Apply a cold pack for 15-20 minutes.

Stretch and Move

Simple hand and wrist stretches can relieve minor pain. Move your fingers and wrists in a gentle motion and don’t overstretch.

Elevate the Hand

Prop your hand up on a pillow or armrest. Elevation helps reduce swelling.

Over-the-Counter Relief

Pain relievers like ibuprofen can help. Make sure to read the label and consult your healthcare provider if you have any doubts.

Wear a Brace

For persistent issues, a wrist brace can offer support. It can also help you avoid movements that make the pain worse.

These measures are often effective for mild issues. But if your symptoms persist or worsen, it may be time for a more thorough medical evaluation. You never know, it might turn out to be a hand emergency requiring professional care.

Treatment Options: Solving the Hand Pain Puzzle

Dealing with hand pain or numbness can feel like solving a complex puzzle. You have symptoms and causes, and then there are the various treatment options that can help fit the pieces together.

For everyday discomfort like the strain from poor ergonomics, simple solutions like changing your desk setup and taking breaks for stretching can often provide relief. Self-care is important and can alleviate a lot of minor pain issues.

Sports injuries usually require a different approach. The R.I.C.E method, which stands for Rest, Ice, Compression, and Elevation, is generally a good place to start. After initial treatment, physical therapy might help to strengthen your hand and improve its function.

When it comes to medical conditions like Carpal Tunnel Syndrome, it’s crucial to consult a healthcare provider. Diagnostic tests like X-rays or MRIs will get to the root of the problem.

And in severe cases, such as wrist fractures, surgery might be the only option for effective treatment. Don’t forget, post-surgery rehab is often necessary to help you regain strength and function in your hand.

There are also alternative therapies that some people find effective. Acupuncture and natural supplements like turmeric have been reported to offer relief in some cases. However, it’s important to note that each case is unique.

If one method doesn’t work for you, don’t hesitate to consult a healthcare provider, especially if your symptoms persist.

When It’s Urgent: Recognizing a Hand Emergency

Sometimes, hand issues can’t wait. They need urgent medical care. Knowing the signs of a hand emergency can make all the difference.

We already discussed the common signs, such as:

  • Severe pain
  • Hand looks deformed
  • If you can’t move it

In these cases, don’t waste time. Seek immediate medical help.

You might also notice symptoms like:

  • Coldness
  • Pale color
  • Tingling that spreads rapidly

These could mean that blood flow to your hand is restricted. This is another scenario where time is of the essence. Waiting too long could lead to serious complications or even permanent damage.

If you experience any of these urgent symptoms, you should go to the emergency room. There, you will likely undergo rapid evaluation and imaging tests like X-rays. You may even be referred to a hand surgeon for further evaluation and treatment.

The key is to act fast. The quicker you get medical care, the better your chances for full recovery.

Ongoing Care: Tips for Long-Term Hand Health

Maintaining the health of your hands is just as important as treating any immediate issues. In the long run, a few lifestyle changes can go a long way in preventing hand pain and numbness.

For starters, take frequent breaks when doing repetitive tasks. It’s easy to get lost in the flow of work or hobbies, but your hands need time to rest. Set a timer to remind yourself to shake out your hands and stretch.

If you’re an athlete or into sports, hand injuries can be all too common. To reduce the risk, proper equipment is essential.

Make sure you have the right protective gear, and if you’re into weightlifting, proper technique is crucial. Incorrectly lifting heavy objects can lead to immediate injury, including wrist fractures, and long-term issues like chronic hand pain.

Don’t underestimate the importance of diet and hydration. Foods rich in calcium and vitamin D are good for bone health, while staying hydrated can prevent muscle cramps. Some people also find relief through alternative methods, like yoga for hand flexibility or using natural supplements like turmeric for inflammation.

Lastly, don’t ignore minor symptoms. What starts as mild discomfort can turn into a significant issue if left untreated.

Regular check-ups with a healthcare provider can catch potential problems before they become severe. Sometimes, early signs might indicate that you’re heading for a hand emergency or a condition that may require a hand surgeon.

Listen to Your Body: Don’t Ignore Numbness in Hands

Hand pain and numbness in hands can be disruptive, confusing, and sometimes frightening. But with the right information, you don’t have to live in discomfort or fear.

For those in need of expert evaluation and treatment, Hand Surgery Specialists of Texas are just a call away. Don’t let numbness in hands hold you back. Take the first step toward restoring your hand health today!

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The Hand Surgery Specialists of Texas offers diagnosis and treatment for hand, wrist, and elbow problems in Houston, using the most advanced and minimally invasive medical techniques. Our orthopedic hand specialists and hand and finger surgeons are waiting to provide you with excellent care at one of our hand care centers in River Oaks, Webster, North Houston, Katy/Sugarland, or Baytown

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